One of my New Years goals is writing in this thing. Shona just created her first blog book and said she is going to do one every year. and I thought it was be so cool to show Maelynne what our life was like when she was just a baby. So lets see, from the last post what has happened??
Well, My Maelynne Isabella was born on December 10th 2009. She was 7lb 13 ounces 20 inches long. and PERFECT in every way. This is the first time I held my baby girl. Our first moment as a family :)

My mom stayed for a week to help me. I really REALLY dont know what I would have done without her. After she left Nic and I had to learn to adjust with just the three of us. I think we are doing really really good! Nic is an amazing dad. He doesnt get frustrated and he listens when I give him advice. its been really good. We had our Annual Cousins Party at our house just 9 days after she was born...Look at the pics at
shonas blog. So Maelynne got to meet a lot of her Family.
We had some issues with the little princess. She wasnt gaining weight in fact she was losing weight. So we had to do both breast feed and bottle feed. I didnt want to give her formula, but she needed to gain some weight and I guess I wasnt producing enough milk bummer.
Anyways, Alex just moved in last wednesday and now theres 4 of us in this little house. We will see how it works out HAHA. Im sure everything will be okay.
Well I need to get back to some house work. Wish me luck on following through with this!!