
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ainsleigh's birth story

Dearest Ainsleigh,
Your birth could not have been more perfect. I was so worried because your pregnancy was really tough on me. It seemed like every appointment there was concern for something that could turn into something bigger. From 20 weeks on I have contractions and the dr thought I was in preterm labor. Then they thought your fluid was low so I was again put on bed rest. (That was hard! But mumma and papa came to help with Mae) I was in a ton of pain by the end and you did not want to come out! I did the pressure point massage, I ate spicy foods, I walked and basically did EVERYTHING possible to get you out!!
On September 25th I started to have sharp pains... Down there.... And got worried so daddy and I headed to the hospital. All they told me was you were on a nerve and there was nothing they could do. I was dilated to a 3 - 3.5 and 50% effaced but that was it... They sent us home. I cried, I was soooo ready for you to be here. The next day (26th) "I said no matter what I'm going to the hospital on the 27th" (your due date) That night daddy and I went to bed and figured tomorrow I was going to go to the Drs and beg them to get you out. Around midnight I woke up to some strong stomach pains but quickly fell back asleep not thinking it was labor because this had been going on since 20 weeks. Then about 3am they got bad enough that I couldn't sleep anymore. I was moaning in my sleep and woke myself up haha. Daddy had just gotten to bed, he couldn't fall asleep so he had gone downstairs to watch TV. I took a shower, straightened my hair and put on some makeup because the pain was bad enough to keep me up by not bad enough to go the dr and I was bored. By 5am they had gotten bad enough and were 3-4 minutes apart. I was doing really good with the pain but they were really close so I thought we should go. I woke daddy up and said I think we need to go to the hospital. He said ok and rolled over and WENT BACK TO SLEEP!! Lol I woke him up and said "umm I mean like NOW!" He jumped up and took a quick shower. I went to Mae's room and told mumma and papa it was time. Big sister was still sleeping and I started crying thinking I couldn't say goodbye to her (I don't leave her often so it was very hard to leave without saying goodbye)
Daddy and I jumped in the car, nervous, excited, scared! It was a 3 minute car ride so we were there in a flash. Daddy dropped me off in the front and parked the car. I SLOWLY walked in and by the time I told they front desk what was going on daddy was by my side again.
I was wheeled up to triage where they checked me and I was 5.5 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced. Woo! They checked me in! YAY!! And it was your due date too! Both you and Mae were born on your due date! Crazy!

We called and texted people that it was baby time. Grandma headed our way and Nana and Mumma got ready to come too. Nana sent me a video of Mae saying good morning and I cried. I so wished she could have come but I know it would have scared her.
They asked me if I was ready for pain Meds but I wasn't quite ready. I wanted to walk around and get the jitters out before I was tied down to the bed. Daddy and I had about 2 hours to ourselves. I got changed into my pretty pushers gown and we walked the halls of the labor ward laughing in between contractions. After about an hour of walking around I was ready for some pain meds. I was starting to get tired (not much sleep the night before) and I was losing focus with breathing.

Daddy held me and we talked about meeting you while they put it in. It didn't hurt but just felt weird! She said I had a strong back so it took a little bit. I almost threw up when she was describing the needle going in so I told her to talk about life and NOT about the giant needle in my back haha.
Right after I laid down and got comfy they checked me and I was a 6.5!
Then Mumma, Nana and grandma got there.

It was a great time. We chatted, napped a little and before I knew it I felt like I needed to push. So we got ready and Dr Aguilar came in and said start pushing! I pushed for about 10 minutes and not much was happening. I was getting frustrated because I knew I wasn't pushing right but I couldn't figure it out so I asked everyone what time they thought you would come (it was 11: 40 am at this point. Everyone said they thought around noon and Nana said she thought you would come at 12:25 pm. Now I know nana was being realistic because I wasn't pushing right. That gave me the motivation to step it up! I knew I wouldn't last until 12:25 and I has to get you out now. I let go and pushed my heart out. 2 more pushes you were crowning!! One more and your little head was out! It was so round and tiny. Then Dr. Aguilar said one more tiny push (which this is the only part I screamed a little) and you were on my belly!
I had dreamed of this moment every since I knew I wanted a baby. Your first few breaths on my belly, you cried with your deep raspy voice and all I kept saying was you looked like daddy!! They rubbed the yucky stuff off and daddy and I just looked at everything. Your tiny hands and 10 fingers, your 10 toes, your FULL head of hair and dark eyebrows. You were PERFECT. We couldn't believe that we were blessed with another gorgeous healthy baby girl. They wanted to clean you off and weight you so daddy went with you and I was cleaned up. You weighted 8 lbs 3 oz 20.5 inches long. Your apgar was a 9!!!
Daddy brought you to me after you were all cleaned up. I kissed your little face and unwrapped you and started to do some skin to skin. I thought we should try breast feeding and you got the hang of it right away! I was in awe of how perfect your entrance into the world.
We love you so much Ainsleigh Jo-Elizabet. You have blessed our life beyond words. You have completed our little family.