I figure I will update as much as possible but I'm not going to put any stress on myself. I love blogging but when I tell myself I have to I start to hate it... and fast. So for now I'm going to write to my baby GIRLS :) Letting them know how life is for us. If I don't update everyday or even every week that's ok with me.
So where do I begin.
Miss Mae..
You have grown up SO fast it brings me to tears. You are so sweet, loving, caring, and FUNNY! You truly are the light of Daddy and my life. You make us laugh every day. You say the funniest things (we have no idea where you get them from) and you have the biggest heart.
Like I said before you make us laugh every day. Your goofy personality and the faces you make are just too funny, You love being held or just sitting on me (something I used to do with mumma!) You are my perfection.
Babygirl #2
boy do I think I know you already! You are SOOO active in my belly... Mae barely moved in there and you move ALLLLL day long. But you don't kick too hard. Almost like you are trying to be gentle in there :) I have taken belly pictures with my cell phone every week but I am starting to take good photos with my camera starting now because I think I'm finally looking pregnant instead of just chubbs in the middle :P I started feeling you kick at 14 weeks!!! You are going to be a strong lil one I know it. My athlete :) We think we have your name picked out but we are going to let in set in for a few weeks before telling everyone. I love the name and I say it all day long. Mae already has a nic-name for you and we talk about baby sister all the time. I cant wait for you to join our family. We have been waiting for you for a long time now (ever since Mae turned one we were ready for you to come!)
We cant wait to meet you finally. There will be a big welcoming committee at your birth haha
Love you both
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