This is a LONG over due post (2.5 years to be exact)
I have wanted to share our Mae's birth story but its scary and honestly I cry every time I tell it. But with our new little miss quickly approaching I wanted to make sure I have all the details saved for the future.
So here we go..
Dearest Maelynne,
I want to tell you about the day Daddy and I met you. It was one of the best days of our lives. Your sitting here next to my now, 2 and a half years old, and I cant believe how fast the years went. You are such a light in our lives and I cant wait to see what God has in store for you, you will moves mountains, I know it. Okay enough mushy stuff ya? lets get on with your story :)
Tuesday Morning (12/8/09) I wasn’t feeling too good. My stomach ached
and I was exhausted. Auntie Nana (Shalayna) called and pointed out that my stomach aches were
coming a 10-15 minutes or so. So we figured labor had started. It was so minor, I
still could do things I just felt sick. Mumma was driving out so I started to
pick up the house since I knew I would be gone for a few days. The contractions
started getting harder but it still didn’t hurt. It felt like the cramps when
you have to go to the bathroom. I made dinner and
by 630 pm Mumma was there! The contractions were harder and were stopping me from talking about 7 minutes
apart. Now they stopped me from talking but it wasn’t really painful. It just
was really really uncomfortable and I felt like I REALLY had to go to the
bathroom. So we went to the hospital and of course right when we got there they
stopped! I was dilated to a 3 and was about 70% effaced so they sent me home. I
didn’t get much sleep that night because I was so uncomfortable.
Wednesday (12/9/09) morning around 6 am they were starting to hurt. I sat
on an exercise ball and that really helped I could roll my hips around and it
really eased the pain for me. I had a Doctors appointment at 11:30 so we decided not to go to the
hospital and just wait. When we got to the doctors office, She stripped my
membranes… Now honestly this was painful!!! I was screaming on the
bed….. almost breaking Daddys hand HAHA Of course I wanted her to do it but OMG it
hurt… From there it got rough. Contractions were coming every 5-7 min and they
were hard. I really had to breathe through them and hold on to something and
squeeze. At about 3:30pm Mumma thought I had a bit of a fever which IS NOT GOOD
so we went straight to the hospital. I had a slight temperature but they weren’t too
concerned and I was only dilated to a 4. (they won’t admit you unless you are a
5 or your water breaks) So I had to walk around the hospital to try and get my
body to get moving. I was in a ton of pain so it was like walk a few steps stop
breathe through a contraction walk a bit more breathe. Finally around 4:30 pm
I was dilated enough to be admitted. I literally got into the room and they
said the anesthesiologist was going in a surgery so I could have the epidural
now or wait and possible miss the window. I'm pretty sure everyone in the room
said DO IT NOW!!!! We had quite a party in the room. It was Daddy, Mumma, Auntie Nana, Uncle Jon, and Auntie Rikki! Papa was driving out from Simi Valley!

Then really the worst part.. the IV… they had to stick me 7
times before they got it. 7 TIMES! The nurses were soooo nice and were apologizing over and over. It hurt and I was all bruised.
Then the Epidural was easy! I sat on the bed with my
legs hanging over and I hunched over the tray table Daddy sat facing me with his arms around my shoulders and
we just kept saying we get to see and hold our baby girl today and Bam it was
over! It didn’t hurt at all.. just felt a bit of pressure I thought it was from
him holding me still honestly. After the doctor finished Daddy lets out a huge gasp and says "Oh my God that was the biggest needle I have ever seen!!" Every one started laughing, I was grateful Daddy didnt say that BEFORE he stuck me! A little after Dr. Van Eekan broke my water.
Then the waiting game, they started Pitocin(SP?) and we waited…
and waited and waited.. NO PAIN I napped a bit, Auntie Brittany came and visited for a bit. It was
really relaxing.
Now the scary part.
Then about 11:30 PM things started to go bad. I started feeling
pain again so I told the nurse. They came and put some more epidural in and You didnt like it at all Miss. Your heart rate would jump really high then fall REALLY
LOW. I was put on oxygen and they started prepping me for emergency c-section.
(which honestly I was more terrified of that than actual birth) They checked me
and I was Dilated to a 10 and fully effaced so they gave me the option to push
but kept telling me that a c-section was pretty much the end result. (at this point Uncle Jon ran out of the room haha) So around
midnight I started pushing.Then they saw that there was meconium (sp?)
in the fluid and that I needed to get you out asap. I didn't want to be behind a drape when you came out, I wanted to see your first few seconds of life. I pushed, Nana and Auntie Rikki looked terrified, and Mumma started to cry when she saw your little head start to come out. I yelled at her saying she couldn't cry! I needed her to be strong! Nana called Grandma and Grandpa in Iowa so they could listen to you being born.
At 12.41 am you came out. This was the scary part, you came out purple. The cord was around her neck
and the stress of labor was really hard on you. They didn’t lay you on my belly, something I had dreamt about, you were rushed over to the incubator in the room (I'm crying as I'm writing this.
It truly was the scariest moments of my life) You didn’t breathe or move for
over a minute. It was horrible. I remember praying harder than I ever had in my entire life. Finally after, what seemed like hours, Nana said "She's okay! She's moving and breathing" You apgar at birth was a 2 out of 10. It was
horrible. But they got you breathing good and pink and at your 2 minute apgar you were an 8 of 10.Nana asked what your name was, nobody knew except Daddy and I. So we official announced your name Maelynne Isabella. Now something crazy, Dr. Van Eekan's name is Mia-lynne! So close to you and she delivered you! So cool!

Then Daddy got to bring you to me, and I got to see your perfect face. There really is no words I can describe how amazing that moment was. You are our perfection, your are our light, you are our life. We truly loved you from the second we saw you.
So this is your story sweet girl. It's scary and wonderful at the same time. You have made our life fun and exciting and eventful since day 1! We are so honored to be your parents. We love you so much