
Saturday, September 26, 2009

I swear Im going to update this thing!!

SORRY SHONA!! haha I guess if I start something I should follow through right? So much has changed since the first post. lets Re-cap the past 8 months!!

I found out I was preggo :) On April 7th at Pita Jungle. So heres the story behind that... I was at work a realized I might be a few days late. but I really wasnt stressed or anything... Well my lovely sister calls me up and says she wants Pita jungle and I tell her I think I'm late. And of course she freaks out, not the bad freak out like the "OMG WE CAN BE PREGGO TOGETHER" kind of freak out. SOOOO... We get there and Shalayna goes and gets a test and we go into the bathroom together. Literally, we go in the same stall together (haha thats how close we are haha) and I pee on a stick and she sets it on the baby changing station and just stares.... it was hilarious... she starts joking saying uh oh i think i see a liiiine.. funny right i tell her no she doesnt she says no no i dont.. then looks back at it and says OMG I seriously see a line.. and BAM theres a line... I START BAWLING and She starts dancing.. around the handicap stall. We are really lucky no one walked in... Of course i had to go back to the table and act normal infront of Nic and Jonathan. Nic knew something was up, but i waited to tell him until after we ate. By the time we got to the car i was crying again and finally told him. He was so excited (not the reaction i thought i would get) He really is something else :)

Anyways... a few days later we decided that we wanted to be married when we had her. So On May 23 we had a really small wedding. (we will have a bigger one in a year or two i swear!!)

Well now its September. I'm 7 1/2 months along and seriously feel like I'm Getting bigger by the day!
Here she is :)
I'm in love completely...

Pregnancy is amazing.. but very strange... Im learning everyday new things and the crazy things are happening to me... My belly button is starting pop out.. which is REALLY wierd... Braxton hicks suck its really hard to breath... but feeling her move and hiccup and stretch is the absolute coolest thing in the entire world!

Anyways thats my life right now... living the amazing married life and loving this little girl inside me more everyday :)

I will post more often i swear... TTFN

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back to Bloggin.....

So here I am again,blogging once more.I dont know why. Maybe because I now work for an internet company or perhaps because my life is so wonderful that I have to write it down. Im hoping this will start everyone to do it again... Andrew... Shalayna... Shona... Gabe... I think it will be fun. so think about it PLEASE... well actually I know seestser has one already :)

Where do I begin?? I read some of my old entries,its pretty amusing. You always think your life is so terrible in high school and now I wish I could go back... to the days of Water Polo... being in the pool all day... smelling like chlorine Those were the good days. But I honestly think that right now is the best time in my life.

I just found an awesome job. I work days now. No more staying up all night and sleeping all day. I have the most amazing boyfriend in all the world and we have an amazingly cute little house, with a little dog, and our perfect little life. I couldn't be happier.... Well maybe a wedding would make me happier haha.

I often wonder how my life has gotten to this point. Before I met Nic I think I was in a world of trouble. My life was spiraling out of control and I felt like I couldnt stop. And then this man walked into my life. I fell in love with him the first night we hung out. Now I know all of you are thinking that, thats impossible. But I did, I sat there and stared at him while he talked and felt my heart piece itself together. It was shattered before not just by one person or even a boy for that matter, but by people that have hurt me in the past. Trust me my heart was in pieces. I never thought I could fall in love, the boys I claimed I loved before were different. I loved them, but I loved them as friends. I loved them like I love some of my friends. I always knew that too. Every guy I was with that I thought I loved, I always felt that tiny little voice that said dont give all of yourself to them. I didnt and Im sorry, but I know if I had done that, I wouldnt be able to love like I do now. Not just Nic, but the people that are in my life right now, I love them more than they know. Its such a pi vital time in my life right now and I honestly believe that these people are here to stay. People from my past that have come up, or new friends that have made a huge impact on my life.

I hate using the word love, because it has become this non-chalant word that people throw around and I think it has lost some of its meaning. Its sad really, but if I say I love you to you, I mean it in the purest or pures. I dont say it to everyone, just to people that I really really mean it.

Im tired and I have just rambled on.. sorry friends. time for bed.